Monday, 27 February 2012


i am bothering you all again on a subject which really annoy me. yesterday during snehpaan one of my patient told this ghritam tastes and in fact is lighter from yesterdays dose.i just gave some damn horrible excuse. but the real thing was i opened a new bottle from kottakal of indukanth you all can understand the difference between the batches. again yesterday one of my patient complained that aarogyavardhini which i gave and what she got from market is different. now this again from unjha and baidynath, both reputated(so called) companies.i think we all understand the differences the herbs may have at the time of procurement, like guna virya vippak at time of collection and little difference in making, but is this excusable if the difference is so vast that patients start noticing it? dont u all feel like to shut use and ban these companies, when we have to make stupid excuses to save reputations? what we can do about it? is there any chance in future to get some stringent laws for these suckers? ....

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