Wednesday, 15 February 2012


A 54 years old patient with Diabetes since 4 years, is being diagnosed as having Hodgkin's Lymphoma 4 years ago.
Patient had cervical Lymphadenopathy, ( A lymph node enlarged of the size of a cricket ball). He got the FNAC done s/o Hodgkin's L.
He had Lymphadenopathy of other Lymph nodes in the cervical region, also affecting the cervical vertebrae.
He had chemotherapy in 2007 after which the size of Lymph nodes reduced but nodular enlargement is still there.
At present , he is feeling stiffness in the cervical region & difficulty in complete opening of the Jaw.
His body weight & appetite is normal.
Hb, TLC, DLC, Platelet Count are all normal.
ESR is 42mm/1st hour.
Suggest the possible.....

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