Wednesday, 15 February 2012


dear friends,
i want to learn from all my friends that whether our system needs R&D?is it the right time to show this world that we are capable giving the treatment to the patients and at the same time it can also be proved on scientific parameters which today's world wants from each and every system which is responsible for the betterment of human beings as a whole?why we are not doing any work to show the people of our country that our medicines are safe?why there is no any scientific para meters are seriously carried out by the institutions for detecting our products efficacy,mode of action and its after effects to tell the public that these are all safe.why i want to tell all these because, my friends there is no harm in finding our products mode of action and its so called side effects.knowing anything for good is not at all a bad thing.if you all think that there is no need to answer this absurd a few days to come people will demand the same from us.that day will come very soon.if all of you think we don't need this, what has been written in texts is very much true and nothing can be added or deleted.i wont ask this type of questions in future.thank you.after all my efforts is to bring transparency in what we are doing.please don't give one line answers.i think this topic doesnt deserve one line answers at least......

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