Thursday, 24 November 2011


Namskaar docs
Here is an interesting case of 40 yrs age male with the following history and symptoms—
--red colored box like or brecket like lesions on the inner side of the cheeks on both sides
--lesions are slightly deeper than the surrounding tissues
--lesions are soft in nature not hard
--these are there since 1 and a half years
--they do not pain usually but red and green chillies cause pain on thse but not the salt or hot tea
--no h/o repeated stomatitis in the past
--h/o acid peptic disease with hyperacidity
--no any burning feets or hands
--no increased sweating
--weak digestion
--motions take a longer time in toilet but soft in consistency
--h/o intake of hot, spicy, fried foods in moderate amounts
--h/o of itching lesions on the right leg 2 yrs back which was corrected by steroids taken for 15 days
--some allopath has diagnosed this as lichen planus but no pathogical investigations have been done......

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