Friday, 25 November 2011


This category of drugs has the tendency to regulate the abnormalities in the heart rate. It is known fact that the heart pumps blood through out our body. Involuntary muscles of heart keeps on working even we are working, sleeping or sitting. Heart beats are produced due to the expansion and contractions of the heart muscles. In normal condition heart beats are 60 to 80 times in a minute. Pace maker is the powerhouse of the heart that is responsible for controlling the heart beat. The pace maker sends electric vibrations to different parts of heart for proper working.
These electric signals are developed in the Sino Articular node located at the upper part of right atrium. The controlled mechanism of these electric signals and other involuntary muscles leads in a rhythmic expansion and contraction in the heart that is known to be the heart beat (characterized by lub and dub sign). Any type of irregularity in heart's natural rhythm due to any reason is called an arrhythmia...... 

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