Thursday, 24 November 2011


Namaskaar docs….
We usually come across many cases in which immunological pathology is involved. Many of the diseases are left to themselves in which we can’t do much. We may claim many things but ultimately we all know this is a big lacuna in our system which we are to fill with our knowledge and experiences.

Cases like RA, scleroderma, SLE, multiple sclerosis, thyroid dysfunction, diabetes mellitus, urticaria, psoriasis, and many more which are left to the mercy of steroids.

Cant we make a chikitsa sidhaant to combat these cases?

There is the principle of ama chiktisa but I have tried many times by giving deepan paachan according to the disease, with mild shodhan etc but I have not got good results.

We have compared ama dosha to the immunological complexes but how can this be helpful in the treatment of autoimmune disease in which we are not to increase the immunity but need immunomodulator medicines.

Please suggest what should be the direction to proceed.

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